Above all, I am a Christian, saved by the blood of Jesus. I love serving Him and sharing His light through the stories He lays on my heart!

I grew up certifiably obsessed with books and words—I was never without a book in hand. I started writing when I was sixteen, and with those first few written words, I was in love.

Publishing was never a plan of mine; writing was a way I answered questions I had in my faith and a way to grow closer to God, but He had other plans, and though it can be difficult and often discouraging, I can’t deny the good that comes from following His call.

The Girl Behind the Quill

First and foremost I write for God—He is the reason I write. My stories are my offering to Him. At His calling I began to write stories for outcasts. The followers of Jesus who have been made to question their worth in Christ and their place in His church.

My prayer is that through my stories, God can touch the hearts of those who are lost and broken and remind them of His love for them.

Who I Write For

  • Jesus Christ as the Foundation: My goal is to write stories that fall apart without God. Without Him, there would be no light against the darkness.

  • Character/Relationship Driven Plots: My stories may not always be packed full of jaw-dropping twists or nail-biting action, but they will alway feature flawed, complex characters that grow with the story.

  • Raw, Yet Hope-Filled Storylines: I don’t ever want to sugarcoat life—especially as a Christian. With or without Christ, we will face darkness and hard times, and I believe as Christians we aren’t supposed to hide and pretend those things don’t exist. But there is also a Light that transcends all darkness and my prayer is that my books, without romanticizing the darkness, will point back to Him.

  • Deep Relationships: I am 100% a romance girly—especially when it comes to historical romance. I try my hardest to make sure the relationships between the couples in my stories connect both emotionally and physically (in a healthy physical attraction)

  • Biblical Truths and Encouragement: This might go hand in hand with the first one, but I thought I would include it here as well. I want my books and the characters within them to bring hope. I want them to point the reader towards Christ.

Five Thing’s You’ll Always Find in my Books